Arte Contemporaneo Nancy Ordoñez pinturas artetextil interiorismo obrasoriginales grabados esculturas artemexicano arte de oaxaca arte debajacalifornia artistas reconocidos

NOVA Galerie on line

"Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do" 

 Art  and Designs Original , Ecological Techniques and Materials

Art for your life and spaces , with uniques pieces , 

artswork  by Artist  Nancy Ordoñez 

Galeria de Arte contemporáneo presentamos un corpus de obras de gran calidad y diversidad , para darle un toque de arte e inspiraciòn A sus espacios y vida, con obras que han sido seleccionadas por coleccionistas de arte ,así como en concursos ,bienales y exposiciones Nacionales e internacionales, de talentosos artistas reconocidos con amplia trayectoria,

Especialmente presentamos diversas Colecciones de obras de diferentes disciplinas , temáticas y formatos de la artista plástica Nancy Ordoñez , quien cuenta con 4 décadas de trayectoria, exposiciones y proyectos desarrollados en diferentes ciudades del mundo. De quien diversos críticos y especialistas han realizado reseñas y criticas magnificas

$4 000.00
$5 000.00
Obras  Abstractas
Obras Abstractas
Obras Abstractas
$60 000.00
Serie Humanidad
Serie Humanidad
Serie Humanidad
$22 000.00

ANIMALIA ; Dibujos y pinturas

Diferentes obras, Dibujos y pinturas de pequeño a mediano formato, con diferentes técnicas y medidas , precios , puede contactarnos

mensajes whatsapp 6461184667 ,

Jade I

Why Choose Us?

We offer art works and pieces of original creation, made manually with the best ecological Techniques  and materials,  we have created, exhibited and sold in centers, museums, galleries in different cities of the world and now online we offer our different lines of works of art painting, engravings, drawings, sculpture, arteobjeto, ceramics, with the guarantee of all being unique pieces and original designs of the artist Nancy Ordoñez,under the curatorship and guidance of the interior architect María Jose Gutierrez, offering you the best aesthetic guide to satisfy and harmonize art in your spatial designs and with your lifestyle 

I love finding in this gallery, online, different pieces of original art by the artist Nancy Ordoñez, themes of love and care for nature and being able to integrate them into my spaces, seeing them every day is a way to enjoy nature and also enrich my experience of life through art

Susan Matox
Art collector

About Us

Nancy Ordoñez


Multidisciplinary plastic artist, art studies and teaching experience, trajectory  40 years, has presented individual exhibitions and developed various projects in Mexico, USA, Paris, Madrid, Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, is part of various art  collections


Sales online and in diferentes galerías 

HUERTA 250 , Vista Hermosa

Ensenada BC

Only online sales, for contingency COVID 19,